Galerie F&F
魚群 SCHOOLS / 徐鈺樺 Martin Hsu 個展
展覽介紹 / 藝術家創作理念
「Schools 魚群」是旅美台裔藝術家徐鈺樺(Martin Hsu)多年來受到日本畫、台灣花布以及日本動畫大師宮崎駿的薰陶與啟發,懷抱著虛懷若谷的心,希望透過他的創作樹立「亞洲新傳統藝術」。 「The Goldfish 金魚」金魚的身上透著金光的鱗片,一直被視為福氣和富貴的象徵。而「魚」與「餘」也由於中文讀音上的諧音,在華人節慶與習俗上,成為「富足」和「富貴」的代言。
「Goldfish mermaids 金鱗美人魚」在藝術家徐鈺樺的創作中,金鱗美人魚被闡釋為人間之美的具象,同時透過牠們對偉大的母愛致敬。金鱗美人魚飄逸的長尾擺動,蘊含著 Martin 對人們在不同的時空裡尋覓寧靜和幸福的生命之旅,所獻上的滿滿祝福。
主視覺三聯幅作品「九如圖」美人魚們如芭蕾女伶一般穿梭牡丹花叢中,自在悠遊於橫跨三聯幅的畫面空間裡,是藝術家重新詮釋古典名畫「九如圖」的致敬之作 (古典名畫九如圖中為九條錦鯉的戲水之姿)。美人魚們被婆娑的綠葉圍繞,繽紛飄落的花瓣彷似生命中那些被我們所遺忘的點點滴滴,而高貴牡丹花上的斑紋與肌理承載了時光歲月裡人們累積的智慧與力量。
二樓展區的作品充滿故事張力,在「Little Red / 女兒紅」及「In Dreams / 夢遊」兩件作品中,藝術家將小紅帽及愛麗絲夢遊仙境的經典童話故事重新詮釋,融合了東方與西方文化元素,將長篇故事收納在聯幅大尺幅作品中,構圖生動,讓觀者彷彿化身為作品中的小人物一般進入作品的世界裡幻想遊歷!
Artist Statement
Schools 魚群 is my humble attempt to create New Traditional Asian Art / 亞洲新傳統藝術. Inspired by Nihonga (classic Japanese art), Taiwanese floral fabric (台灣花布), and Hayao Miyazaki. These new works fuse Eastern techniques and sensibility with Western subject matter.
The goldfish 金魚, once highly regarded for their metallic scales, are symbols of good fortune and prosperity. Coincidentally, the word “fish” sounds exactly like “abundance” in the Chinese language. As the auspicious proverb suggests: 年年有餘, or “In abundance year after year” is always accompanied by an image of fish.
Goldfish mermaids (金鱗美人魚) represent beauty of all types, and pay respect to the great maternal spirits in our lives. They are symbols of beautiful blessings in abundance (滿滿的祝福), and well-wishes traveling beyond time and space; wiggling their little tails in pursuit of peace and happiness.
Depicting mermaids as ballerinas dancing between flowers, the triptych Peonies and Ballerinas pays homage to the famous Chinese painting 九如圖: Scene of Nine Koi Fish. The ladies surrounded by thin layers of waving leaves and falling petals remind us of those we miss. Mighty peony blossoms covered in freckles and wrinkles represent strength and wisdom in those we remember. In other paintings they’re portrayed as solar flares, glistening moonlight, and shooting stars; all part of the brilliance and transience of life.
Lastly, Schools 魚群 is a personal dedication to family, friends, and all of those who chose to swim along side with me. Your support from near and from afar keeps me afloat, and gives me the strength to move upstream against strong currents. My sincere gratitude for being in the same schools as you.
Tradition matters, love rules,
開幕酒會 : 2015.10.10 sat 15:00 ~ 18:00
創作分享座談會: 2015/10/17 (六) 15:00 ~ 16:00
限量版畫發表暨簽名會: 2015/10/17 (六) 16:30 ~ 18:00
展期 : 2015.10.10 sat ~ 2015.10.30 fri
開放時間 : 週二至週六 13:00-19:00 / 週日 13:00-17:00 (週一休)
藝廊地址 : Galerie F&F 台北市師大路206號1樓(近MRT台電大樓4號出口)